Save Your Estate

Why should the government or anyone else direct what happens with your estate assets? Why should a court, a stranger, or someone other than your choice make the medical and financial decisions for you if you become sick and incapacitated? Why should anyone other than your spouse, life partner, or the one you choose make the decisions about your illness, hospital visits, your funeral and what happens to your estate?

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Durable Power of Attorney and Living Will

Documents to Plan Ahead

A durable power of attorney is legal document that enables one individual to designate another person to act on his or her behalf in the event the individual becomes disabled or incapacitated.

A financial power of attorney allows an individual to make decisions such as paying bills, handling investments and filing tax returns.
A power of attorney for health care, or a health care proxy, designates someone to make medical decisions for you if you are unable to do so.
A living will specifies which life-prolonging measures an individual does, and does not, want to be taken if he or she becomes terminally ill or incapacitated. These written instructions are made while an individual is still competent.

Please call Ronald J. Cappuccio, J.D., LL.M.(Tax) at 856 665-2121 to review this.